Amber Stevens and Scott Michael Foster on MTV Tomorrow morning

According to ABC families twitter,

ABCFgreek Greek
#Greek darlings @AmberoniStevens & @scottmfoster will be on MTV’s @10onTop tomorrow at 11:30 am!

Off to look for more info.

According to the TV guide on my television. This is a show hosted by Lenay Dunn and he takes an in depth look at into the most prolific, young celebrities in the entertainment industry by counting down the top ten texts, online chats and news reports featuring them throughout the week.

Here is a link to the website

Looks like they ad clips to their website so if you miss it you might be able to check it out online.


I found this link about something Amber Stevens will be in but there is no date so this could be last year for all I know.

Here is a video of the same event

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